
すこっぷ じゃみせん
リュート型弦楽器であるが、弦がない。弦楽器は、一般的に最低でも1本の弦が装着されているのであるが、このスコップ三味線は 0本 である。
いずれにしても、貴重な構造を持っており 他に例がない固有種である。日本が世界に誇れる楽器といえるだろう。
ちなみに、発音は「スコップしゃみせん(shamisen)」ではなく「スコップじゃみせん(jamisen)」が正しい。ただし、英語では Samisen と発音される。
The Schop-samisen (Shovel-samisen) is a Japanese inherent musical instrument (pronounced "sukopp-jamisen" in Japan).
It is a lute type stringed instrument, but there is not a string.
Even if the stringed instrument is generally worst, one string is put on.
string of Schop-samisen is non lines.
It is argued even between a scholar of musical instrument what "three" letters of the Samisen mean.
At present, the interpretation remains unidentified.
A study will be necessary in future.
As for this Samisen, a string would degenerate so that a human being did not have a tail. No, you should call this evolution not the degeneration.
There is the opinion of a scholar knowing a lot about the theory of evolution, but does not lead to elucidation.
In any case, I have precious structure, and there is no such precedent elsewhere. It may be said that it is the musical instrument which Japan can be proud of to the world.
I can use Schop-samisen for a shovel. I am said to use it for snow shoveling in the Japanese northern country(Tsugaru).
Still further, the plectrum has the surprising structure that I can use for "a bottle opener".
Wikipedia より引用
私家版 楽器事典
楽器図鑑 Encyclopedia of musical instruments